Donate now

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate the community about the benefits of Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate and Return. We do this through public outreach and direct assistance to community cat caregivers. We rely entirely on donations in order to provide our services, and all donations are greatly appreciated!

Other ways to support us


Support Mid-Cities Community Cats when you shop at Kroger!

To get started, sign up with your Plus Card and select Mid-Cities Community Cats. Once you’re enrolled, M-CCC earns rewards every time you shop and use your Plus Card!

f you are a current Community Reward member, use our account number XI347 to select M-CCC.

Go to

  1. Select “Savings & Rewards” at the top of the page
  2. Select “Kroger Community Rewards”
  3. Under “I’m a Customer”, select “View Details”
  4. If you are already a customer, Sign in. If not, select “Create an account”
  5. In the “Find an Organization” enter “Mid-Cities Community Cats”, select Search
  6. Select Enroll


Shop on and Chewy will donate $20 to M-CCC for every first-time purchase.

Donations by mail

Send us donations by mail at:

P.O. Box 211594
Bedford, TX 76095

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!